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Korean Kimchi

Kimchi Field Museum
Of course a link to the Kimchi Museum in Seoul should be here on this page. It's located at the COEX-mall so you can easily combine shopping and something cultural.

Kimchi websites

These websites provide a lot of information about Korean Kimchi:

Traditional Korean Kimchi Website from the Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp.
Best of Korea website marimari.com
How to make Kimchi with nice pictures and recipe
Korean Cuisine Kimchi 4 recipes and pictures


Our own Kimchi recipies

Winter Radish Water Kimchi Dongchimi

4 Korean white radishes, cleaned
1 ginger root, peeled and sliced
1/2 teaspoon fructose (or other non-chemical substitute for sugar)
1 cup coarse salt
15 cups water
1 big jar (radishes and 15 cups of water should fit in)
heavy weight (can be a clean stone or a plate where you can put something heavy on top)

Put the whole radishes in a jar and sprinkle 1/2 cup of coarse salt over them. Mix water, ginger, the other 1/2 cup coarse salt and the fructose (or other sugar substitute) and stir well. Pour the water mixture over the radishes and put something heavy on top (see above). Put the jar in a cool place and let it stand for about 14 days. After this time the water kimchi should be right. Take out a radish and slice it into bite-size pieces, add some of the soaking water and serve.

Korean Cabbage Kimchi

2 chinese cabbages
2 tea cups of coarse salt

1 white radish
150 gr. green onions
50 gr. mustard leaves
3 table spoons of salted and fermented anchovies
3 table spoons of salted and fermented small shrimps
4 table spoons of finely chopped garlic
2 tea spoons of finely chopped ginger root
1 table spoon of sugar
2 tea cups of red pepper flakes
1 tea cup of sweet rice paste

1) Trim off the old leaves of the chinese cabbage and cut the cabbages in half by inserting the knife about 10 cm from the cabbage head and splitting the rest with your hands.
2) Mix one tea cup of coarse salt and 5 cups of water to make brine. Soak the cabbages in the brine and sprinkle coarse salt on the thick stems of the cabbage heart. Soak for 5-6 hours.
3) When the cabbages are sufficiently salted, wash them in running water about three times. Drain the water of the cabbages by putting them on a wicker tray.
4) Trim an slice the white radish into thick strips. Cut the green onions an the mustard leaves into 5cm lengths.
5) Put the radish, green onions and mustard leaves in a large bowl, put all the other seasoning ingredients on top of it and mix it well.
6) Spread the prepared seasoning between the layers of the the cabbage and firmly wrap the stuffed cabbage with the outer layers of the cabbage. Put them firmly in a jar or plastic box. When the Korean Cabbage Kimchi is well fermented, keep refrigerated.

This recipe was used by the Songbuk-gu government for their anual kimchi making event. During this event 3000 kilo of cabbage was used to make kimchi for the elderly and poor people of the Songbuk-dong district.
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