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Zofona > Zofona Serbia > Weblog Serbia > Archive Serbia 2006 > weblog Serbia Aug 06
weblog Serbia Aug 06![]() --------------------- Turn up the volume of your speakers and visit the website of the Guca Brass band festival. We are too late, it started today but it seems like a lot of fun. Probably we will try to visit this Guca festival next year. According to B92 news it is a big happening, a lifestyle website even mentions the festival as number 2 in their top 5 of greatest experiences!! (posted by Jitze, 30/08/06) --------------------- Why do these guys have such a nice visitor operated Belgrade webcam? I want something like this but so far I could not find anything like it. This one looks like an easy working outdoor webcam. If you know what I need please contact me, this kind of camera which can be controlled by visitors of this site should be on the roof of our house. Wow, they have 3 different webcam positions. Great to play with. Click on the following links to test them and to get a good impression of Belgrade street live. You will be surprised how good these cams can zoom in on details. Probably your windows XP will ask if you want to install an active-x control, just accept it. It is harmless software to enable you to operate these cams. (posted by Jitze, 30/08/06) Belgrade webcam location Trg Republike Belgrade webcam Novi Beograd Belgrade webcam Trg Nikole Pasica --------------------- This is exactly the spray I bought in Belgrade last week. Officially it is illegal to sell it but you can buy it at... of course, your local gun shop. It seems that stray dogs in Belgrade sometimes are a problem at night when they gather in groups. Do not immediately expect hordes of hungry dogs hunting for fresh human meat. Fact is that there are many stray dogs in Belgrade and that they are unpredictable in their behaviour. If they would attack us ANTI HUND (yes, it is of course a German product, hehe) spray should destroy their appetite forever, I will spray them into oblivian. Anyhow, if it does not work I will eat them, ANTI HUND spray probably spices up dog meat (just like the good old times in Korea). :) (posted by Jitze, 28/08/06) p.s. available in every good hunting and gun retail store LOL --------------------- Yde's first schoolday in Belgrade! Christina brought him to school this morning. He enjoyed himself but we are not sure what they exactly did today. He told us he played, and he learned something about tornado's. Why they learn about tornado's on their first day at school remains a mistery. Christina also chased the schoolbus because at school they thought Yde had to be dropped of at our new house. She made it in time to our house after first going to the school but it was a close call. And I got promising news about our removal. It seems it might be possible that, with all the luck in the world, there will be a chance of delivery this week. (posted by Jitze, 28/08/06) --------------------- Old news. This Dutch article (today) tells something about the first Dutch Taxi company to use sms to order taxi's. I am three weeks in Belgrade but I discovered already that it is very normal in Belgrade to order taxi's by sms. If you wait for the operator after calling a cab you will hear a tape telling that you can also send an sms message. And another thing, here they charge less if you call instead of more (20% procent less!!!). Reasonable because they can plan their cars better, in the Netherlands you have to pay more because they are proud to be able to send it to your street after waiting for half an hour. (posted by Jitze, 25/08/06) --------------------- I saw this car parked but someone else took this picture. To me it's like the best/funniest picture of the year. If you do not understand it you don't know shit about cars. Bentley Continental GT versus Trabant Station Wagon. (posted by Jitze, 25/08/06) ![]() --------------------- The first restaurant with 4 cook hats, we reviewed Trattoria all Angelo this evening. Read our latest restaurant review. If you are in need of good Lasagna in Belgrade, we found it. (posted by Jitze, 23/08/06) --------------------- I guess this is the most exciting movie I ever made of a plane arrival. And the promised picture. We were waiting for trolleys, logistics of trolleys seems a weak point at Belgrade Airport. (posted by Jitze, 22/08/06) ![]() --------------------- We are back together, yeah!!! Today Christina, Yde, Vibeke and our two cats arrived at Belgrade international airport. As usual the cats were 'dumped' somewhere next to the luggage belt. In Amsterdam it was rainy and less than 20 degrees. Belgrade enjoyed a staggering 40 degrees celsius. At least the airconditioning in our hotel room is working fine. I just went out to buy some cigarettes and I think it's still 30 degrees although it's after 10 pm. Tommorow I will add a short movie and a picture of their arrival in Belgrade. (posted by Jitze, 20/08/06) --------------------- So we tried to reach the Belgrade beer festival but we ended up at Zodiac. It was a very warm evening with temperatures way above 25 degrees at night. We battled the temperature with cool beer and good food. I also talked to one of the Dutch owners of Zodiac, interesting because in the past he worked in Kyrgystan. When we lived in Kazakhstan we visited Bishkek several times. Two Dutch guys in a bar in Belgrade exchanging memories about hotel 'Silk Road' in Bishkek, the world is small. Next time I will write a restaurant review but it already looks promising. (posted by Jitze, 17/08/06) --------------------- I visited the beerfest on Wednesday and I could not resist one fresh cool beer. The festival is nice, plenty of different beers, food and toilets. This combination is the perfect recipy for a fun evening. Wednesday I was only exploring, Friday night I will go back with colleagues to drink more beer. I did not like the music. Wednesday it was Serbian traditional music when I was there. I hope they will play rock music on Friday. Well, every Serb around me enjoyed it, they knew the songs by heart. Look at this short mobile phone movie, you will hear the music so you can judge for yourself if you like Serbian (traditional?) music. (posted by Jitze, 17/08/06) ![]() --------------------- This is mean, I am trying to loose some weight and now I read something about the Belgrade beer festival. This festival starts coming Wednesday. I will try to ignore it :( (posted by Jitze, 14/08/06) --------------------- Even with the sesamy seeds between all my teeth I managed to write a new restaurant review. Lipov Lad was our target and I visited this restaurant just two hours ago. (posted by Jitze, 13/08/06) --------------------- Because I saw a squirrel in the garden of our new house I searched for squirrel info when I found a strange report. Beware of the attack of the giant killer squirrels? (posted by Jitze, 13/08/06) --------------------- Today I went to a big supermarket called Mercator. The supermarket I visited is located in new Belgrade and it is big, like Carrefour or Walmart supermarkets. Compared to Seoul this supermarket is heaven because they sell much more stuff we will use. They only have very limited choice in vegetables. At the discount section I bought a very nice cd with music from the famous movie Reservoir Dogs (director Quentin Tarantino, 1992). If you do not know this movie you can buy the DVD, but if you cannot wait just watch this 30 seconds version. (posted by Jitze, 13/08/06) --------------------- My first Friday night in Belgrade, the official start of Belgrade nightlife exploration! I think I will make a bar or club page for the site to write more about it in the future. But other people have to help me with this. Why?? Because I returned to my hotel just after 01.00 am. That's not exploring, that's the first clear sign that I am getting old. Anyhow, I went to a bar/restaurant called Zodiac. This restaurant was established less than one year ago by 5 people, 2 of them are Dutch. As far as I understand it was some kind of wild idea because they also have other jobs. It soon became successful so now they are proud partime bar owners. It was not completely crowded yesterday but people told me it's because of summer Holidays. If you are in the neighbourhoud it is worth a visit. Try the chicken curry with rice if you want to eat something, it was tasty!! Favorite choice of beer: Tuborg. (posted by Jitze, 12/08/06) Bar-Restaurant Zodiac Vase Pelagica 48a Senjak, Belgrade Tel: (+381) 011-2648864 --------------------- It is a rainy evening so not much news to tell about Belgrade. Fortunately I received a nice link. A movie of one of my favorite bands: System Of A Down, Whiskey A Go Go Show 1997. (posted by Jitze, 10/08/06) --------------------- The Samsung software is working, I can upload pictures from my mobile phone to my laptop. Look at this picture, the small screen on the left is my laptop. That big screen on the right is the huge LG plasma televion screen in my hotel room. It is almost bigger than my bed and bathroom together. ![]() On Monday I visited our new house with a guy who did not ran away when I asked him to do gardening work. He only asked for strong tools because he thinks the garden needs a lot of work. The only thing I need is an inflatable swimming pool just where I am standing in order to jump into the water from the veranda. :) ![]() I also added some pictures of Belgrade, not bad for mobile phone camera shots. (posted by Jitze, 09/08/06) --------------------- Internet connection in my hotel!! I took a laptop from the office so now I can start to write about Belgrade. If I manage to install my mobile phone software it should even be possible to upload pictures. I will try this after diner otherwise I will sit behind this laptop the whole evening (it's already 19.00, HUNGRY!!). I installed messenger and this evening I will check if skype works good with the microphone of this laptop. Send me a message if you want.. My hotel is called Rezime and it's located in the centre of Belgrade, close to the office and just 2 minutes walking to the main shopping street. OK, first diner..(posted by Jitze, 08/08/06) --------------------- Sunday is approaching quickly. I am looking forward to start working in Belgrade. One good thing, right now the weather is better in Belgrade than in the Netherlands. My colleagues over there told me it is pleasant and warm at this moment, around 30 degrees celcius and sunny. Today I added some country information, click here to read it. Next week I will probably write about whatever I discover the first week in Belgrade. Every couple of years this personal discovery of a new country starts again and I like it every single time. (posted by Jitze, 04/08/06) --------------------- This is our house, beautiful and with a really big garden. Nothing but green although we live very close to the city centre and the school. Perfect for our children, Yde can make tree houses everywhere! ![]() But that's not completely true, we also have protected trees in our garden, look at this tree and the small sign. Some kind of rare or protected tree. He has to find another tree for his tree house. I am already searching for a gardener, hahaha. (posted by Jitze, 02/08/06) ![]() --------------------- Surprise, it's our new 'Serbia Belgrade' look. We just finished the banner. On Sunday I will fly to Belgrade. It will be the official start of our 4 years in Serbia. Christina and the children will stay in the Netherlands for another 2 weeks before joining me. At the end of June we already visited Belgrade and we found a very nice house in 'Dedinje'. We had the opportunity to see a little bit of the city and it looks very, very nice. Keep checking this site because we will start adding information. (posted by Jitze, 01/08/06) |
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